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While the majority of time spent by Oceanweather's (OWI) research team is on proprietary Joint Industry Projects and dedicated hindcast studies, the research work performed for the U.S. and foreign governments and universities can be disclosed. While not a complete list of Oceanweather public projects, the brief project descriptions detailed here provide a sample of the activities in which OWI are involved. Many of the projects described here are included on the Recent Publications page or detailed in public documents.

U.S. Corps of Engineers

  • Integral part of the Wave Information System (WIS) providing wind, pressure and sea ice historical data for U.S. East, West Gulf of Mexico, Alaska and Great Lakes domains
  • Developed/maintain MORPHOS Tropical Model (OWI TropPBL) applied by the Army Corps of Engineers
  • Numerous regional studies including Kenai River (Alaska), North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study, South Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study, Texas Coast Study, others
  • Member of Interagency Performance Evaluation Test (IPET) group post-Katrina

Environment Canada

  • Development of AES40 (1998) and later MSC50 (present) long-term hindcasts for the North Atlantic and Canadian coastal waters
  • MSCBFort – Canadian Beaufort wind, wave, ice, water level and current database
  • Davis Strait/Baffin Bay long term wind and wave climatology
  • Joint work on development of extremes from general circulation models

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Worked with various groups (STARR, Baker, AECOM, URS, Dewberry, RAMPP, Atkins, others) in the development of wind and wave forcing in tropical and extra-tropical conditions for use in ADCIRC water level modeling. Virtually every study of the FEMA flood mapping regions (U.S. East and West Coasts, Gulf of Mexico) applied data and analysis performed by Oceanweather Inc.


  • Member of the NSCAT and QUIKSCAT scatterometer science teams working with the Jet Propulsion Lab of NASA
  • Work with foreign institutes such as Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI) in tropical modeling
  • Team with universities on such topics as tropical model analysis, joint probability method for tropical extremes, development of real-time storm surge forecasting system, smart climatology



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